Technical Q&A

Technical Q&A

How is Operata deployed in AWS?

Operata is deployed using a CloudFormation Template which delivers:

  • Contact Lens Rules
  • EventBridge Pipe
  • EventBridge Rules
  • A Lambda for privacy controls

How is Operata deployed to agents?

Operata runs via a Chrome or Edge extension deployed to the agents.

This can be packaged and deployed via SCCM or similar tools or downloaded direct from the Chrome or Edge stores.

What is the high-level design and data flow?

This diagram should get the ball rolling. Click to enlage


What data is collected by Operata?

You can read all about the data we collect here

Is Operata certified Connect Service Ready?

You bet we are! See more here

Are transcripts or recordings sent to Operata?

No. Operata deploys rules in EventBridge to take only the data we need, nothing more. No call recordings or transcripts ever leave the customers instance.

Where can I dive deeper on the ones-and-zero’s?

Full documentation is available at